HEG™ installs a broad range of residential solutions that either lower power bills, increase home comfort levels, improve air quality and futureproof the home

Save Money & Increase the Value of Your Home
We aim to make your home warmer, lower your energy/wood/gas bills, eradicate persistent window condensation, improve your home's air quality and future-proof your home.
HEG™ Residential Energy Assessors provide a free assessment of your home, listen to your requirements, and then help prioritise which product, or combination of products, will give the desired results. Allow us to HEGify your home…
Residential Energy Efficiency Investments Save You Money & Increase the Value of Your Home
Three things happen when you invest in the thermal efficiency of your home:
- The household running costs DECREASE due to lower heating, cooling and/or hot water bills;
- The quality of the air INCREASES due to fewer particulates, mould & dust mites, and
- The capital value of your home typically INCREASES by 5 to 10% due to a higher market appeal.
So, in net terms, investments in home efficiency services actually improve the financial position of a homeowner.
Fully-Installed Ducted Air Circulation System - Talk to the Specialists!
A simple and effective way to warm your bedrooms & save costs. Allow a HEG™-certified professional to install a 3-to 5 outlets Ducted Air Transfer System in your home. Interest-free terms are available. Read more…